
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is the region's workhorse bridge, carrying more than a third of the traffic of all of the state-owned bridges combined. It is also a jewel along the San Francisco waterfront.

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is made up of two bridge segments: a skyway structure/single anchored suspension bridge between Oakland and Yerba Buena Island, and a suspension span from the island to San Francisco. Connecting the two is the largest diameter bore tunnel in the world.

The design of the new East Span — which opened in September 2013 — features a single-tower, self-anchored suspension bridge for the segment of the bridge that crosses the shipping channel, and a skyway structure over the shallower waters close to the Oakland shore.

Seismic Safety

Seismic retrofit of the West Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge was completed in 2004. The original East Span was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and subsequently repaired. The replacement East Span opened on September 2, 2013.

The Bay Bridge in background with dismantled San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in foreground
Bikes & Pedestrians

How many bikes and pedestrians have used the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge path since November 2016? What times of day do most bikes and pedestrians travel the path?

See the data.
Cyclist using the Bay Bridge bike lane
Bridge Tolls

Find information about bridge tolls and more.

Visit 511.org.
A toll plaza at dusk
Bay Lights

The Bay Lights installation – made of 25,000 LEDs and designed by artist Leo Villareal – lit up the Bay Bridge from 2013 (to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Bay Bridge) through 2023.

Read more.
View of the West Span San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge from Embarcadero pier

Bridge Facts At-A-Glance

Location: Interstate 80, between San Francisco and Alameda counties
Structure: Suspension, tunnel, skyway
Length: 8.4 miles (including approaches and toll plaza)
Vertical Clearance: 220 feet
Channel Span: 1,400 feet
  • Original Structure: November 1936
  • New Structure (Just the Eastern Span): September 2013
  • 1936 Structure: $77 million (including the Transbay Transit Terminal)
  • 2013 Structure (Just the Eastern Span): $6.4 billion
Auto Toll: $8.00
Carpools: $4.00
Collection: One way, westbound, in Oakland
Traffic Lanes: Five lanes in each direction
FY 2022-23 Total Toll-Paid Vehicles: 42,753,377
FY 2022-23 Total Tolls Collected: $274,029,625
Bridge Path Counter Data: Access bicycle and pedestrian counter data
Monthly Transportation Statistics

See vehicle traffic and public transit ridership numbers from 2019 to the present.

Get the data.
Regional Measure 1

This regional measure, approved by Bay Area voters in 1988, raised tolls on the Bay Area’s seven state-owned toll bridges to fund bridge improvements and parkway construction.

Bay Bridge East Span Path

The Bay Bridge Trail carries bicyclists and pedestrians across the majestic East Span, connecting the Oakland shoreline with Yerba Buena Island and Treasure Island.

West Span Revitalization & Innovation Project

This project will make safety improvements that support the bridge's use well into the future.