About the Bay Trail
The San Francisco Bay Trail is a series of connected walking and cycling paths that ring the San Francisco and San Pablo bays.
About the Bay Trail
The Bay Trail, currently more than 350 miles, connects communities, parks, open spaces, schools and transit. It provides space for recreation and active transportation to work, school and other destinations in the community.
The ultimate goal of the Bay Trail is to build a beautiful shoreline path for everyone to enjoy. And when it’s complete? A total of 500 miles running through all nine Bay Area counties, 47 cities and across seven toll bridges.
Find your maps. Get out and on the trail.
Bay Trail Strategic Plan
The Bay Trail Strategic Plan will be released in late 2025. This document will be an update to the internal work program for Bay Trail staff.
Senate Bill 100, authored by then-state Senator Bill Lockyer and passed into law in 1987, directed the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to develop a plan for this regional trail system including a specific alignment for the Bay Trail.
MTC works with ABAG to implement the Bay Trail Plan, adopted by ABAG in July 1989. It includes a proposed alignment; a set of policies to guide the future selection, design and construction of routes; and strategies for implementation and financing. Since its inception, the Bay Trail Plan has enjoyed widespread support in the Bay Area.
Trail Types
Because the trail circles the entire San Francisco Bay, a wide variety of unique landscapes and a multitude of experiences can be found.
Residents and visitors can walk, bike, run or roll on trails that have both paved and natural surfaces.
There is something for everyone. Explore the trail.
Bay Trail Design Guidelines and Toolkit
The Bay Trail Design Guidelines and Toolkit outlines the principles for designing and developing the Bay Trail.
Work is underway on the next version of the Guidelines and Toolkit. Read the latest on development of Bay Trail Design Guidelines and Toolkit 2.0.
The toolkit is designed to be used by:
- Developers, land planners, landscape architects, engineers, architects, public community groups and other members of professional teams designing projects along the shoreline
- Cities, counties, special districts, and regional, state and federal agencies involved in resource protection, land use planning and the development of transportation and recreational trail facilities
- San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission staff, design review board members and Commission members when considering the siting and design of shoreline public access proposals
Bay Trail Board and Steering Committee Materials
View the MTC Regional Network Management Committee to see Bay Trail Board and Steering Committee agendas, meeting minutes and locations.
Donations to the San Francisco Bay Trail Project
The Bay Trail Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit*. Your contribution to the Bay Trail Project will advance the vision of a continuous trail around the San Francisco Bay. You will be part of a legacy to create a spectacular shoreline recreational resource that will be enjoyed by countless residents, visitors, and future generations.
Your Bay Trail donation will support outreach and education efforts to:
- Promote the benefits of a continuous shoreline Bay Trail
- Bring people in contact with and foster appreciation of the bay
- Close gaps to create more miles of connected trail
Download the Donation Form to make a donation via check or money order. We are unable to accept credit card donations at this time. Thank you!
*All contributions are fully tax-deductible and go directly to assist outreach efforts of the Bay Trail Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. A donation receipt will be provided for tax purposes.
Bay Trail Publications
Bay Trail Brochure
Download the PDF of the entire San Francisco Bay Trail, including descriptions of the varied ways to enjoy the trail.
San Francisco Bay Shoreline Guide
The second edition of the popular San Francisco Bay Shoreline Guide is the one essential book for anyone who wants to explore the remarkably diverse San Francisco Bay shoreline. Comprehensive, compact, user-friendly, and studded with full-color maps and illustrations, the guide covers the more than 325 miles of the shoreline Bay Trail already open to the public, a corridor that will eventually encircle San Francisco and San Pablo Bays with a continuous 500-mile network of bicycling and hiking trails.
2012, Paperback, 248 pages. A State Coastal Conservancy book, with assistance from the Bay Trail Project.
Available for purchase through:
Bay Trail Staff
Technical Contacts
Lee Huo, Senior Planner
Email: lhuo@bayareametro.gov
Phone: 415-820-7915
Lily Brown, Associate Planner
Email: lbrown@bayareametro.gov
Phone: 415-778-6721
Diane Dohm, Associate Planner
Email: ddohm@bayareametro.gov
Phone: 415-778-4429
Donation Contact
Sarina Seaton, Administrator
Email: sseaton@bayareametro.gov
Phone: 415-955-7479
- Bruce Beyaert, Trails for Richmond Action Committee
- Bruce Brubaker, Alternate; Trails for Richmond Action Committee
- Shawn Casey-White, Napa Valley Vine Trail
- Rebecca Coates-Maldoon, Santa Clara County Parks
- John Coleman, Bay Planning Coalition
- Rosemary Corbin, Trail Advocate
- Corinne DeBra, Walking the Bay
- Nance Donati, Pacific Gas and Electric
- Sean Dougan, East Bay Regional Park District
- Leo DuBose, East Bay Bike
- Jean Finney, Caltrans District 4
- Ellen Johnck, Trail Advocate
- Bill Keene, Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District
- David Lewis, Save the Bay
- Bill Long, Bay Area Ridge Trail Council
- John Malamut, Alternate; Trail Advocate
- Judith Malamut, Trail Advocate
- Moira McEnespy, Alternate; California State Coastral Conservancy
- Julia Miller, Trail Advocate
- Rick Parmer, Trail Advocate
- Wendy Proctor, Port of San Francisco
- Antoinette Romeo, Trail Advocate
- Diane Ross-Leech, Trail Advocate
- Ana Ruiz, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
- Sergio Ruiz, Alternate; Caltrans District 4
- Philip Sales, Trail Advocate
- Ashley Tomerlin, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
- Don Weden, Trail Advocate
- Suzanne Wilson, Alternate; East Bay Regional Park District
- Virgilio Cuasay, California State Coastal Conservancy
- Sean Dougan, East Bay Regional Park District
- Leo DuBose, Bike East Bay
- Moira McEnespy, Alternate; California State Coastal Conservancy
- Ashley Tomerlin, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
- Suzanne Wilson, Alternate; East Bay Regional Park District
- Bill Lockyer, Former Treasurer, State of California
- Liz Figueroa, Former California State Senator
- Linda Stonier, NPS Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program