Arterial Operations

By helping cities time traffic signals on arterial roadways, MTC supports improved travel times, reduced exhaust emissions and enhanced traffic safety — for a safer trip, a smoother ride and cleaner air.

John Huseby

Arterials are high-capacity roads that deliver traffic to and from freeways and other centers of activity. MTC’s Arterial Operations Program helps Bay Area cities and counties improve traffic safety and flow on major streets and roads by:

  • Delivering financial assistance for traffic signal re-timing projects
  • Sharing technical expertise
  • Coordinating signal timing across jurisdictions (e.g. between Caltrans and multiple cities)
  • Supporting the Arterial Operations Committee as a forum for discussion of shared issues and “lessons learned”

Better-timed Signals for a Better Bay Area

When traffic signals are synchronized, traffic flows smoothly, drivers have fewer accidents and you’re less likely to get stuck in the intersection. 

MTC provides technical assistance to Bay Area cities to keep their traffic signal timing up-to-date, supporting:

  • Improved travel times
  • Reduced exhaust emissions
  • Enhanced traffic safety
Synchronizing Traffic Signals

MTC’s Program for Arterial System Synchronization (PASS) helps improve the safety and operating efficiency of select traffic signal systems and corridors.

Asynchronous traffic lights causing heavy traffic.