Dumbarton Forward
Dumbarton Forward is a set of near-term strategies to improve efficiency and reduce delays on and near the Dumbarton Bridge.
Dumbarton Forward aims to limit traffic congestion during peak periods in the State Route 84-Dumbarton Bridge-Bayfront Expressway corridor between Interstate 880 in Fremont and Marsh Road in Menlo Park.
Dumbarton Forward encourages commuters to use transit instead of driving in personal vehicles, which improves commute times for all travelers in the area.
Dumbarton Forward Strategies
Part-Time Bus-Only Lane
A multi-year pilot to allow authorized bus operators to bypass peak period congestion, resulting in improved transit reliability.
Traffic Signal Improvements
Bayfront Expressway intersection improvements, including transit signal priority, dedicated bus signals and an adaptive traffic signal system to reduce delays at the intersections.
Transit Improvements
Improve bus service on transbay routes - AC Transit, Stanford and Union City Transit.
Bike Access Improvements
To improve safety and connectivity for bicyclists, these improvements focus on completing critical gaps in existing bicycle networks along the corridor.
Staff Contact
Ingrid Supit, Dumbarton Forward Project Manager
Phone: 415-778-6691
Email: isupit@bayareametro.gov
Key Partners
- Caltrans
- California Highway Patrol
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit)
- Stanford University
Project Stakeholders
- San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans)
- Alameda County Transportation Commission
- San Mateo County Transportation Authority
- City of Menlo Park
- City of East Palo Alto
- City of Redwood City
- City of Palo Alto
- City of Fremont
- City of Newark
- City of Union City
- County of San Mateo
- County of Alameda
- City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County

Part-time bus-only lane goals:
- Move more people in fewer cars
- Make traveling by bus faster, to encourage people to shift away from driving in cars
- Support public and private express buses and shuttles
- Connect regional employment centers and transit hubs
Estimated Project Costs
Project Initiation Documentation (PID) | $0.8 million |
Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) | $1.3 million |
Plans, Specs & Estimate (PS&E) | $2.2 million |
Construction Management | $2.0 million |
Construction | $14.8 million |
TOTAL | $21.1 million |
Project Schedule
Project Initiation Documentation (PID) - Completed | Fall 2019 |
Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) - Completed | September 2023 |
Plans, Specs & Estimate (PS&E) | Summer 2024 |
Advertise & Award | Fall 2024 |
Construction | Spring 2025 |