
Innovative Deployments to Enhance Arterials Shared Automated Vehicles (IDEA SAV)

MTC’s Innovative Deployments to Enhance Arterials Shared Automated Vehicles (IDEA SAV) Program assists public agencies with deploying Shared Automated Vehicle (SAV) solutions to improve transit service and equity. The program provides both technical assistance and a funding opportunity for Bay Area cities, counties and transit agencies.


Shared automated vehicles (SAVs) present a possible future in which shared, driverless vehicles safely get people from place to place, giving people better access to safer, greener transportation.

As the number of automated vehicles grows, new challenges may arise, both for transportation agencies and for travelers.

To help Bay Area cities, counties and transit agencies prepare for shared, automated vehicle technology, MTC has launched the IDEA SAV technical assistance grant program to fund SAV technology pilot/deployment projects. This funding and assistance will support innovative shared automated vehicle service for people living in Equity Priority Communities, people with disabilities and people in Disadvantaged Communities.

Funded Projects

View the February 11, 2022 Operations Committee memo to see the projects that were awarded IDEA SAV grants.

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Intelligent Transportation Systems are harnessing technology to make our streets, highways and transit systems smarter, safer and more efficient.

Connected & Automated Vehicles

A wireless network that includes cars, buses, trucks, traffic signals, smartphones and other devices could transform the way we travel