Regional Transportation Emergency Management Plan (RTEMP)
This plan helps Bay Area public transportation agencies to recover operations and deliver basic transportation services after a significant regional disaster.
The Regional Transportation Emergency Management Plan (RTEMP) helps plan for a disaster (like an earthquake) or an unexpected event (like a BART strike) by reviewing emergency operating procedures across the region, and improving them through planning and coordination.
It provides guidance for coordinating response and recovery efforts, and allocating assets to restore basic regional mobility. After an emergency, MTC works with the following agencies to get the Bay Area up and running again:
- California Department of Transportation
- California Highway Patrol
- San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority
- The largest Bay Area transit operators
Download and review the current Regional Transportation Emergency Management Plan (RTEMP).
RTEMP — A Living Document
RTEMP is considered a “living” document. It is reviewed and updated regularly, based on experiences gained when emergencies occur — such as the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake or the 2020 Northern California wildfires.
Staff Contact
Stephen Terrin, Emergency Coordinator
Phone: 415-778-6605
MTC uses RTEMP guidelines to partner and coordinate during planning exercises before emergencies. Planning work is ongoing with MTC’s partners:
- Bay Area transit operators
- California Department of Transportation
- California Highway Patrol
- California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
- County emergency management agencies