Maps & Signs

MTC and transit agency partners are developing new maps and signs to help make transit journeys easier to understand for both existing and new riders.

New transit signs and maps are being developed for use across all nine Bay Area counties. They show transit service information in different ways than before. For example, they emphasize the names of the services and how often they run, de-prioritizing the names and logos of individual transit agencies. Standardized colors, line styles and labels indicate how often a bus or train arrives at a particular stop. 

Coming to Two Test Locations

The first maps and signs are now being installed at test locations in El Cerrito and Santa Rosa. The Santa Rosa Transit Mall, the nearby Santa Rosa SMART station, and the El Cerrito del Norte BART station are served by multiple transit agencies and a mixture of bus and rail options.

Santa Rosa: You Are Invited

Join MTC staff on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at noon for an event and tour of the new maps and signs at the Santa Rosa Transit Mall and Santa Rosa SMART station. See event details.

We Want to Hear From You

Public feedback will help MTC staff revise the designs, which will then inform the next stage of the project. Refined maps and wayfinding materials are expected to be installed at seven additional major transit hubs and on select bus routes across the Bay Area in 2025 and 2026.

Do you have comments you would like to share with us? Please submit them via the comment form on this page.

Detailed Sample Maps & Signs

Regional Transit Connections

The regional map informs riders of public transit connections around the nine-county Bay Area and is designed for discovery, awareness and curiosity about Bay Area transit. The map shows the service areas of all Bay Area transit agencies and highlights bus, train and ferry routes that connect the region’s cities and counties. 

See the regional transit connections map (PDF).

The selection of routes shown on the regional map is guided by specific criteria to impartially balance legibility and utility for riders across the Bay Area - see the full criteria for inclusion.

Regional Transit Connections map.

Local Transit Connections

Local transit connections maps inform riders of all nearby transit options around a specific stop and how frequently they operate.

See the sample local transit connections map (PDF). 

Local Transit Connections map.

Neighborhood Maps

Neighborhood maps provide a view of the area around a transit stop, showing how to make connections to other nearby transit facilities and points of interest within walking distance.

See the sample neighborhood map (PDF).

Explore the area: neighborhood map.

Facility Maps

Facility maps show riders where to board connecting transit routes and access station amenities.

See the sample facility map (PDF). 

Sample facility map for El Cerrito del Norte station.

Line Diagrams

Line diagrams guide riders to the correct train platform and display stations served down the line.

See the sample line diagram sign (PDF). 

Sample line diagram sign.

Pedestrian Guide Signs

Pedestrian guide signs help people as they walk or roll between transit facilities that are some distance apart.

See the sample pedestrian guide sign (PDF). 

Sample pedestrian guide sign.

Bus Stop Signs

Bus stop signs inform riders of their current location, route destination and key service characteristics using standardized colors and font sizes.

View a larger version of a sample basic bus stop sign (PDF).

Sample basic bus stop sign.

Facility Name & Directional Signs

A facility name and directional sign on a train or other transit platform shows the name of the facility, directions to the exits, and the services and destinations that use that platform.

See a sample facility name and directional sign (PDF).

Facility Name and Directional Signs.

Service Frequency

One focus of the new maps and signs is service frequency, which is how often buses, trains and ferries run. Bus service frequencies are shown using different colors: red for more often, blue for less often. The same colors are used on maps and on bus stop signs, providing a consistent experience for transit riders.

The regional approach shows 1-10 minute frequency using a dark red color, 11-15 minute frequency using a light red color, 16-30 minute frequency using a light blue color, and 31+ minute frequency using a dark blue color.  They are included in the local transit, neighborhood, facility maps and bus stop signs.

Overview of the various mapping and wayfinding prototype signs.

Upcoming Events

MTC staff will be taking feedback in person. Check back for dates and details.

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Do you need one of our documents translated? Do you need written materials in large type or in Braille? Do you need a sign language interpreter or an interpreter who speaks your language in order to participate?

We can help! Please call us at (415) 778-6757. We require three days’ notice in order to provide reasonable accommodation. For TDD or hearing impaired, call 711, California Relay Service, or (800) 735-2929 (TTY) or (800) 735-2922 (voice) and ask to be relayed to (415) 778-6700.

¿Necesita que alguno de nuestros documentos sea traducido? ¿Necesita nuestras comunicaciones escritas en letra grande o en Braille? ¿Necesita un intérprete del lenguaje de señas o un intérprete que hable su idioma para poder participar?

¡Nosotros podemos ayudar! Comuníquese al (415) 778-6757. Necesitamos aviso con tres días de anticipación para proporcionar asistencia razonable. Para personas con discapacidad auditiva o TDD, llame al 711, California Relay Service, o al (800) 735-2929 (TTY) o al (800) 735-2922 (voz) y pida que lo comuniquen al (415) 778-6700.

您是否需要我們協助翻譯其中一份文件的内容? 您是否需要大字體或盲文印刷的書面資料? 您是否需要手語或您所説語言的翻譯協助才能參與活動?

我們可以爲您提供幫助! 請致電 (415) 778-6757和我們聯繫。為確保爲您提供適當的安排,請提前三天通知我們。對於TDD或聽障人士,請致電711,加州轉接服務,或 (800) 735-2929(TTY),(800) 735-2922(語音),然後要求轉接至 (415) 778-6700。

Comment on the Test Signs and Maps

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